Nigerian Journal of Rural Sociology (NJRS), 11( 1): , 2010


Uchechi Apu R.P.A. Unamma, O.O Ekumankama


The study evaluated the determinants of household water use in Abia State, Nigeria. The study analysed annual government expenditure for the provision of safe water for the use of the people in the study area between 1999 and 2006. It also identified available safe water supply schemes (sources) provided by government and determined the state of those schemes, among others. Multistage random sampling procedure was used in selecting respondents for the study. Data collection was facilitated by the use of structured questionnaire, which was administered on 360 respondents. Of the 360 questionnaire administered, 340 valid returns were recorded and this constituted the sample size for the study. Simple descriptive statistics such as frequency counts and percentages as well as inferential statistics such as the ordinary least squares (OLS) regression were used to analyse data collected. Results revealed huge government expenditure for the provision of water supply scheme within the study area. A high level of formal education was found among the sampled population. Only about 0.2% had no formal education. Majority (83.2%) of the respondents had moderately sized households ranging from 4 to 6 persons. Results further showed that majority of the water supply schemes/ projects (57.1%) which provided water for household use in the area were provided by government. More than half of the sampled populations were found to be moderate in their water use, utilizing betwwater on daily basis. Results of the OLS regression analysis revealed that gender, level of formal education, income of household heads, water source, and the state of the water scheme (source) were all significantly related to the level of utilization of water among respondents in the study area. In other words these are the essential determinants of household water use in the area. Positive relationship was established for gender at 10% level, income of household heads, level of formal education, water source and the state of water source at 1% level of significance respectively. It was recommended that efforts be geared towards scaling up the safe water supply schemes/ projects/ source in the study area, with a view to satisfying the water needs of the people. This should not be the sole responsibility of government, as the rural people also have a role to play in the midst of other stakeholders.

Keywords: Determinants, household, water.