Instructions to Authors




Manuscripts submitted are not supposed to have been published or are being considered for publication elsewhere. Papers should be between 3,000 and 5,000 words. Only electronic copy should be submitted; with 12 font size and Times New Roman font type and double line spaced. The TITLE of the paper should be followed by the names, initials and address(es) of the author(s). An ABSTRACT of about 150 words which reports the research problem, purpose, method, results, and conclusion should be provided. Keywords consisting of four to five words should be provided after the abstract. Articles should be written in English only. Research papers, review articles, case studies, and postgraduate projects are welcome. Submit to the Editor-in-Chief through the journal’s website


TABLES, FIGURES, and Other illustrations should be numbered consecutively and located appropriately within texts after the point of first mention. However, authors should ensure that the table does not spill over to the next page. REFERENCE AND LEGENDS TO ILLUSTRATIONS should be placed appropriately within the body of the paper and authors should ensure that they are in camera-ready form. Guidelines on illustrations should follow the American Psychological Association [APA] Publication Style Manual.


FOOTNOTES should be avoided as much as possible. Acknowledgments should appear after the Conclusion before the reference list.


REFERENCES should be cited within the text as follows: Abiodun (2009) found that ................... On the other hand, after stating the findings, the author's name and year of publication can be inserted; for example, income was positively correlated with educational attainment (Abiodun, 2019). The references should then appear alphabetically in the first authors' names in the list of references. For the reference list, the APA Publication Style Manual should be adopted. E.g. Abiodun, J. R. (2022) for a single-authored paper and Abiodun J. R. and Alabi, O. E. (2021) for double authored.


Reprints: These will be provided on request from authors, and authors will bear the financial implications. 


There would be no payment of reviewer fees for manuscripts that were duly registered and presented at the conference of the association. For manuscripts that were submitted directly to the journal, there shall be a payment of N15,000 as a reviewer fee per paper.

There shall be payments of N20,000 and N30,000 as publication fees to publish congress and extra-congress manuscripts, respectively, that are accepted for publication. All payments must be made to the journal account as advised in the communications to the author(s).