Nigerian Journal of Rural Sociology (NJRS), 19( 2): 26 - 31 , 2019

Involvement of rural women in entrepreneurial activities in Asa local government area of Kwara state, Nigeria

Kayode A. O., Oladipo F. O., Omotesho K. F., Awoyemi A. O.


This study assessed the level of involvement of rural women in the various entrepreneurial activities in Asa Local Government Area of Kwara state, Nigeria. Data were collected from 126 respondents and analysed with descriptive statistics and correlation. Data analyses revealed that the mean age of the rural women is 39.4 years with a mean years of entrepreneurial experience to be 10.7 years. Categorization of farmers? level of involvement showed that rural women had low level of involvement in entrepreneurial activities with a mean of 1.59. Lack of capital (2.57) was identified as a major constraints in entrepreneurial activities Correlation analysis indicated that age (r = 0.246:p=0.06), Marital status(r = 0.176:p=0.002), Household size (r = 0.202:p=0.023), had a positive and significant effect on the level of involvement in entrepreneurial activities among the women , The study concluded that the level of involvement of entrepreneurial activities among women in the study area was low and therefore recommended that rural women should have access to financial support such as loans from banks and other stakeholders and also government intervention programmes such as N-power and Trader-moni in other to increase their level of involvement in entrepreneurship activities.

Keywords: Rural Women, Entrepreneurial, Levels, Activities, Involvement