Nigerian Journal of Rural Sociology (NJRS), 20( 2): 52 - 58, 2020

Farmers? engagement in tomato postharvest handling activities and rate of losses in Kaduna State, Nigeria

Abolade T. J., Meludu N. T.


Tomato is an important fruit vegetable which provides numerous nutrients to the body. Despite the level of production, postharvest loss is frightening at the rate of 30-50% annually as a result of poor handling. The previous studies have not investigated the level of engagement in tomato handling. Therefore, this study investigated the level of engagement of farmers on tomato postharvest handling activities. Multistage sampling procedure was used to select 231 respondents. Structured questionnaire was used to obtain data on farmers? socio-economic characteristics, level of engagement in tomato postharvest handling activities and rate of losses, while descriptive (Frequency distribution, mean and standard deviation) and inferential (PPMC) statistical tools were used for analysis. Majority of tomato farmers (94.8%) were found to be male with 15 years of farming experience (63.6%). Larger proportion (41.6%) had 1-2 acres of tomato farm and majority (54.1%) produced less than 5000kg of tomato annually. Most (65.4%) had low engagement level in postharvest handling of tomato and majority (58.9%) incurred high rate of losses. There was significant relationship between years of experience (r= -0.163, p<0.05), farm size (r= 0.279, p<0.05), quantity of tomato produced (r = 0.272, p<0.05) and losses incurred. Significant relationship also existed between level of engagement (r = -0.163, p<0.05) and the rate of losses incurred. The study therefore recommends that government and other NGOs should assist tomato farmers with processing and storage facilities. Also extension agents should organise workshop and training for farmers on modern techniques of postharvest handling of tomato to improve their level of engagement in order to reduce the rate of losses incurred.

Keywords: Level of engagement, Postharvest handling activities, Tomato postharvest losses, Tomato farmers