Nigerian Journal of Rural Sociology (NJRS), 21( 2): 15 - 20 , 2021

The challenges of crime: A menace for rural agriculture

Olagoke O. O., Adefalu L. L., Aderinoye-Abdulwahab S. A.


Crime is a menace that affects everyone, and it equally threatens national security. Crime becomes more worrisome when we consider its impact on the agricultural sector which provides food, employment and contributes significantly to national output. The immediate challenges of crime in agriculture include inhibition of production as occasioned by terrorism, kidnapping, banditry, cattle rustling, destruction of crops by herdsmen; while corruption and other crimes, albeit indirectly, also impact negatively on agriculture. The Nigerian government will need to address the trend of pervasive insecurity occasioned by crime in order to keep on track the national agenda of self-sufficiency in food production. This paper therefore examined the challenges posed by crime on rural agriculture. It dwelled on a theoretical review of literature relating to the crime discourse and submitted that the socio-economic implications of these crimes, especially on agriculture are grave. It is suggested that possible solution to tackle the crime perpetrated by all forms of anti-social activities of kidnapping, banditry and associated crimes will be to improve the living conditions for rural families while recommending a reorganization of the nation?s security network.

Keywords: Banditry, Insecurity, Unemployment, Corruption, Food Production