Nigerian Journal of Rural Sociology (NJRS), 21( 2): 20 - 27 , 2021

Stress management strategies among arable crop women farmers in Ayedaade local government area of Osun state

Adeniyi R. T., Adebayo O. O.


Stress is one of the challenges facing the agricultural sustainability of arable crop women farmers in developing nations hence, the need for coping mechanisms that will keep them in the enterprise. This study investigated stress management strategies, socioeconomic characteristics, types of farming activities, sources of stress among arable women farmers in Ayedaade Local Government Area of Osun State, using interview schedule. A three-stage sampling procedure was used to select 120 respondents. Data were analysed with descriptive (percentages, mean and weighted score) and inferential (Chi?square and PPMC) statistics at ?0.05. Results show that the mean age and years of farming experience were 41.07 and 19.42 years respectively; with farm size of 1-2 hectares (67.5%). The farming activity mostly engaged in by the respondents was thinning (Weighted Mean (WM) 3.65). Respondents? sources of stress (domain basis) were financial (deciding when to sell -WM 2.0); weather (prolonged adverse weather -WM 2.43); work related (machinery breakdown -WM 2.3); health (long term health problem -WM 2.72); and other people (being under a lot of pressure -WM 2.13). The stress management strategies deployed included financial (prioritizing financial activities -WM 2.71); weather (seeking extension agent support -WM 3.0); work related (relaxation with family and friends -WM 2.56); health (taking balanced diet -WM 3.29); other people (talk about worries with family and friends -WM 2.56). Significant relationship existed between farmers? age (r = -0.582), marital status (?2 = -56.50), household size (r = -0.523), farm size (r = -0.221), sources of labour (?2=162.92), years of farming experience (r = -0.667) and stress management strategies. The prevailing stress coping strategies should be encouraged to sustain the arable women productivity.

Keywords: Sources of stress, farming activities, sustainable agriculture and stress coping strategies