Nigerian Journal of Rural Sociology (NJRS), 16( 1): , 2015


Enwelu I. A.


ABSTRACT The paper explored the causes and effects of corruption in the Nigerian agricultural sector and various approaches to overcome it and prevent it in the long-run. The paper was based on desk review of available relevant literature. Information was accessed through web search, journals, newspapers, magazines, books and reports. The major causes of corruption identified were: colonial influence, ethnic inclination/patron-client relationships; psychological influence and poor remuneration/ condition of service. The effects of corruption in the agricultural sector included: strangled economic development, neglect of real development priorities in favour of oil, widened the gap between the rich and the poor, increased debt burden- loans paid to private pockets, thus creating opportunity for food for thought and in the short-run increasing economic efficiency. The main approaches to overcome corruption include: awareness creation/campaign against corruption, strong political will backed with financial resources; creation of strong and durable institutions in terms of ethical reorientation; revitalized functional civil service; and full independent anti-corruption commission. In conclusion, corruption is prevalent in all facets of human endeavour. It cuts across professions, faiths, religious denominations and political systems and affects both young and old, man and woman alike. There is need for a renewed focus on agriculture to rid it of corruption and inefficiency. It is important that corruption stamped out in our agricultural sector to serve our poor rural farming communities better

Keywords: Agriculture sector, corruption, patron-client relationship