Information and Communication Technology (ICT) usage among yam producers in Kwara state, Nigeria
Ayanda, I. F., Abdulrahman, O. L., Ukpi, M. S., Ibitoye, O. A.
The study assessed usage of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) by yam producers in Kwara State. The study used a four-stage sampling technique to select 120 respondents for the study Information was gathered using a structured questionnaire and analysed using percentages, mean score, Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPM) and Chi square statistics. The findings show that the mean age of the respondents was 45.5 years, 65% of them had formal education with an average of 19 years of farming experience yam production. The most available ICTs to yam farmers were the radio and mobile phones. The benefits they derived from ICT usage include market accessibility and marketing information. The constraints to ICT usage include incessant power outages and network fluctuation. There was a positive significant relationship between income level and ICT usage (r< -0.294**, p-< -0.001). Also a significant relationship was established between the constraints and the usage of the ICT. The government should improve power supply in the study area.
Keywords: Information, Communication, Technology Agricultural Development, Digital Device, ICT Usage, Yam producers (farmers) and Yam production information