Socioeconomic factors influencing adoption of Potato Value Chain Support Project (PS-PVCSP) technologies in Plateau state, Nigeria
Garba, M. Baleri, Y. N., Yushau, I. I., Abubakar, U., Mustapha, A.
The study examined the factors influencing adoption of potato value chain support project technologies in Plateau State, Nigeria. A multi-stage sampling technique was used in selecting 390 respondents. Data were collected using structured questionnaire and analysed using descriptive statistics and regression analysis. The result revealed a mean age, household size, farming experience and farm size of 38.0 years, 7.0 persons, 12.0 years and 0.7ha, respectively. majority (58.5%) of the respondents were female and 73.8% were married. Key technologies promoted by the project includes fertiliser application (52.7%), planting time (50.5%) and planting material (49.5%). This is followed by weeding (44.9%), harvesting (44.1%), planting depth (43.6%), method of planting (42.1%), and planting space (39.7%). The results of regression analysis of socio-economic factors influencing adoption of the PS-PVCSP recommended technologies reveal the adjusted R2 value of 0.621, implying that the independent variables explained 62.1% of the variations in the dependent variable. The result revealed that age (r = 0.0820), education (r = 0.0950), household size (r = 0.470), farm size (r = 0.0920), farming experience (r = 0.320), capital (r = 0.580), sources of information (r = 0.380), and extension contact (r = 0.1570) were the factors significantly influenced the adoption of recommended production technologies promoted by the project. The study recommended that extension programmes should focus on training and educating farmers about the benefits and application of the recommended technologies, incentives such as subsidies for planting materials and fertilisers can encourage adoption among the age group while ensuring long-term sustainability. There should be accessible credit schemes specifically tailored for potato farmers to ease the procurement of fertilisers, improved planting materials, and other necessary and farmers should be encouraged to form and join cooperatives in other to enjoy economy of scale.
Keywords: Adoption, Technology, Potato Value Chain