Nigerian Journal of Rural Sociology (NJRS), 24( 2): 50 - 56 , 2024

Socioeconomic challenges affecting food security among rural farmers in Delta state, Nigeria

Adeoti, J. T., Olaitan, T. R., Adeoti, V. I., Aderele, S. A., Jike, V. T.


The study looked at the socioeconomic challenges affecting food security among rural farmers in Delta State. Multistage sampling procedure was used to select two hundred and seventy-one (271) rural farmers. Structured interview schedule was used for data collection. Data were gathered on socioeconomic characteristics, types of conflicts, the problem of corruption on food security, and the extent of food security among farmers in the study area. The data were analysed using frequency counts, mean, percentages and PPMC. The result revealed that, conflict between farmers and herdsmen (x? = 3.69) in the selected communities is very high. While corruption in government subsidies and aid programmes (x? = 4.10) ranked highest corruption impeding the achievement of a food secured community, and the extent of food security among the farmers revealed that majority (x?= 1.92) donít have enough money sometimes to get healthy food. The result also revealed a significant negative relationship between conflict and food security (r (260) = -0.498, p <0.05). It was concluded that conflict and corruption contribute significantly to food insecurity. The study recommended that drastic reduction of conflict by government/community leaders in the selected communities will help improve farmerís livelihood and food security.

Keywords: Food security, conflict, corruption, rural farmers